Wednesday, February 2, 2011

new experiences/fresh starts

this post is long overdue. again. i made a sort of new years resolution to post more frequently on this blog, and it bombed. mostly because i keep forgetting and then remembering at inconvenient moments where i can't do anything about it.

so. fresh starts. new experiences. i feel like this is a fitting topic for both of us right now.

because i'm freshly starting a new job tomorrow: i'm going to be taking hyperactive children between the ages of 5 and 12, plopping them down on a chair in my house for a whole half hour, and attempting to keep their attention focused and their body still while they learn {hopefully} to play the piano.

i quit my job to do this, because i've always been kind of a rash person and when people suggested i take on a couple of students before quitting my job just so see what it was like and to make sure this was what i actually wanted, i scoffed at the idea.

because i like to jump in head first. i find that if i stand on the edge and test the water, i tend to deem it "too cold" and i don't go in at all. diving is where it's at. there is no going back with a dive. i fall fast and hard and if i get a neck injury, that is ok.

i can still teach piano with a neck injury.

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